Protect Borneo's Rainforests

As volunteers in Borneo, we helped to reforest the original rainforest.

We were able to see for ourselves the devastating consequences of the cultivation of palm oil and the associated deforestation of the rainforest for flora and fauna as well as for the local population; the water table sinks by 1 metre every year, precipitation fails, animals are displaced, trees thousands of years old are felled for furniture and houses, disastrous forest fires rage.

Back in Europe, we decided to found the association “Protect Borneo’s Rainforests (e.V.)” in 2020 to raise funds for our partner organisation “Friends of Nature, People and Forests” (FNPF) in Indonesia.
We are recognised as a non-profit organisation. We will gladly issue a donation receipt for Switzerland or any member country of the EU.

We guarantee that every donation reaches 100% of its target. That is what we stand for.

Stefan Heissler

Stevie Portrait 2

Denise Kelterborn
Vice President

Nies Portrait 3

Meet the Founder of our Partner NGO in Borneo:

Dr. I Gede Nyoman Bayu Wirayudha

Why you should help?

It is a battle between David and Goliath. Every day, the habitat of animals and indigenous people continues to be destroyed.

Therefore, we owe it to our environment and fellow human beings to help. Our consumer behaviour in Europe is causally responsible for this. We consume enormous amounts of palm oil in our combustion engines, cosmetics and food.

Climate change leads to the devastating forest fires that destroy wildlife, plants and communities in the long term.

In the region where our partner NGO works, for example, there are no fire brigades to fight the fires. FNPF staff extinguish the fire by hand and without protective clothing. The water sometimes has to be carried to the fire up to 5 km away in plastic backpacks.

How you can help!

Planting Trees

Fight the fire

Become a Volunteer